OBOE | Audition date: March 22, 2023
Jerzy Semkow Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra would like to announce auditions for musicians up to 30 years of age for the following positions:
Audition date:
OBOE – March 22, 2023
Audition venue: Warsaw, Polish Radio, Studio S-3, 59 Modzelewski StreetJerzy Semkow Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra can offer the following to the successful audition passers:
Please send the application card, declaration (Oświadczenie) and your artistic CV via
APPLICATION FORM available here: https://bit.ly/2lSyTLU by:
MARCH 17, 2023
If you cancel your participation in the audition, you are required to give us a notice by email not later than 2 days before the audition date.
Rules: The_rules_for_auditions
Programme: Programme
Scores oboe: SCORES OBOE
Jerzy Semkow Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra would like to announce auditions for musicians up to 30 years of age for the following positions:
Audition date:
OBOE – March 22, 2023
Audition venue: Warsaw, Polish Radio, Studio S-3, 59 Modzelewski StreetJerzy Semkow Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra can offer the following to the successful audition passers:
- Employment contract
- Good pay
- Opportunity to work under leadership of renowned conductors
- Extensive artistic education and experience in being a part of the orchestra
Please send the application card, declaration (Oświadczenie) and your artistic CV via
APPLICATION FORM available here: https://bit.ly/2lSyTLU by:
MARCH 17, 2023
If you cancel your participation in the audition, you are required to give us a notice by email not later than 2 days before the audition date.
Rules: The_rules_for_auditions
Programme: Programme
Scores oboe: SCORES OBOE