9.07.2016, 19.00h – Ka­rol Szy­ma­now­ski Phil­har­mo­nic Hall in Kra­ków

The Fe­sti­val has be­en or­ga­ni­zed sin­ce 2005 by the Po­lish Mu­sic As­so­cia­tion, fo­un­ded by a gro­up of mu­sicologists, cul­tu­re ma­na­gers and mu­sic lo­vers. The es­sen­ce of the fe­sti­val is not on­ly to pre­sent va­lu­able works by Po­lish com­po­sers, writ­ten from the Mid­dle Ages to the pre­sent day, but al­so to con­trast them with the world’s mu­sic and di­splay them in va­rio­us con­te­xts. The or­ga­ni­zers aim to mo­bi­li­ze the cre­ation of com­po­si­tio­nal art by com­mis­sio­ning and pre­mi­èring works of con­tem­po­ra­ry mu­sic.


J.M.K. Po­nia­tow­ski: Don De­si­de­rio, ope­ra in 3 acts


Don Desiderio: Stanisław Kuflyuk, baritone
Angiolina: Joanna Woś, soprano
Federico: Ondrej Saling, tenor
Don Curzio: Krzysztof Szumański, baritone
Placida: Vera Baniewicz, mez­zo­so­pra­no
Matteo: Sebastian Szumski, baritone
Riccardo: Wojciech Parchem, tenor

Polska Orkiestra Sinfonia Iuventus
K. Szy­ma­now­ski Phil­har­mo­nic Cho­ir
Teresa Majka-Pacanek, cho­ir­ma­ster

Marcin Świątkiewicz – pianoforte
Krzysztof Słowiński – conductor



J. M. K. Poniatowski – Don Desiderio, opera in 3 acts



Tickets >>>
Organizer: Stowarzyszenie Muzyki Polskiej, Kraków